Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Weird blog thing!

I think I have a problem. I get on here to check on everyone, but just because I don't have a new picture to put on, I convince myself I can't post anything. Why do I HAVE to have a picture to post a blog? I don't know. But I'm pushing through and sorry there isn't any visual aids. I am 10 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. I am due in April. And go to the doctor for the first time on Sept. 29th. And if he tells me I'm not pregnant, I'm am going to complain about the longest fit of the flu there has ever been! Just kidding. Anyway, Ben and I are doing great. He's kinda tired of my moodyness...and throwing up, but other then that, we're good. Chris is getting big. I can't believe it was 6 years ago that I was doing this with him. Crazy how time flies. Anyway, hope this finds you all well.


teresa and the boys said...

Yay! Kelly's back! You'll have to update more often now to let us know how the gestating is going.

You should totally do the picture thing too -- you know, where you take a picture wearing the same clothes, in the same spot once a month -- so we can all see you get bigger!

Tara Mc said...

Happy day Kelly:) I know it sounds like a broken record right now, but keep us posted on all you're doing. Then you can look back and have a great record of your pregnancy. I remember thinking that I won't forget this, but ya do. Good to see a new post from you!!

Melanie said...

wahoo...glad to hear how you're doing! So, If You're at 11 weeks, today (22nd), I was at 8 weeks on Friday the 19th. That means we're roughly only 2 1/2 weeks apart. How fun! What doctor are you going to and where will you deliver? So exciting! Have a great day!